OM.2023.001 – Matthew Rose – France
OM.2023.001 – Matthew Rose – France – collage on paper – 4 x 4 inches ANIMAL FARMY BOOKINSTAGRAMTROUBLE ART MAGAZINEAn artist and writer living and

Paper: Cecil Touchon
Nice video by my daughter Noor-un-nisa Touchon. “I am a paper person. Some people love wood or fabric or metal or clay, etc. I love

Introducing the Touchonian
The place I am currently most active is at At this page I am posting 3-4 times a week with articles about the Creative

Wait a Minute!
Wait a Minute! The last couple of years have found me deep in hibernation in my studio. I am just now starting to peak out.

Keeping a Map of Your Trail: Inventory
Mapping the Trail ‘The only thing an artist gets to keep is his trail.’ Cecil Touchon …So the more documented, the more breadcrumbs, the better.

Baker’s 1/2 Dozen Collage Exchange Deadline March 21
Baker’s 1/2 Dozen Collage Exchange MARCH 21, 2020 Deadline is coming up! Cecil Touchon, Director Cover image (above) om.2012.264 – Graham Moore The Baker’s Dozen

A Note About Exhibitions
About Exhibitions While we have produced quite a few physical exhibitions in spaces of opportunity in Texas, Colorado and New Mexico and will continue to

Artist Profile – Zach Collins
Artist Profile – Zach Collins “It may seem to be obsessive to some but I like to think of collage making as more of a

The Archives as an Entity
The Archives, as an entity, is concerned only with itself. Hence anything in the collection is of the utmost importance to the collection as a whole.

2019 Ontological Museum New Acquisitions Catalog
2019 Acquisitions Catalog Starting with 2019, we are going to be publishing an annual catalog of all works coming into the archives. This catalog is

The New Plan for
The Story from the Archives The mission of the museum is to create a collection that is gathered together like a scientific museum that collects